My name is Duchelynn and I have been a follower of Christ for the last 7 years. As a new Christian blogger, I love to read and write books and have always loved making everything about God. Specifically, how I found Him and received His love for me, how He heals me, and how He made me the woman I am today with the many blessings He has given me. I have been prompted by the Holy Spirit to make a page dedicated to girls and women about making our journey on earth easier with God. And why having a relationship with him is worth it! I hope you admire the page and hope we can learn and grow together. God bless <3
“Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.” (Romans 8:5)
Is this something that I’m doing for fun?
Yes, I love and appreciate God’s love and I’m using the time to talk about how following Jesus has saved my life.
What is the sole purpose of this page?
To build connections, have discussions about God, talk about the uncomfortable in a comfortable setting.
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God bless you! 🌸
Is there a membership fee to get on this page?
Of course not, it is free to all!
Will there be products given out?
Yes, there are products that are being designed as we speak! Be patient, it’ll be worth it!
Do you believe you hold the answers to everything?
Uhhh…no. I get all my sources and information from the B-I-B-L-E respectfully. There are practicals that I discuss but I primarily go to the Bible for wisdom and guidance.
Do you believe you know more than others?
Of course not! I am learning with you. All of what I share is knowledge given to me that I’m sharing it with you. We are in this together girl. I would LOVE to learn from you too.
Testimonials- TBA